Friday, August 2, 2013

Who Are You?

I've been wanting to start blogging for quite some time now. I've been following blogs religiously and for the most part silently. I figured today was as good as any other day and then I saw Kimmy was hosting a Who Are You? link-up and couldn't think of a better way to start off.

20 Random Facts about Me

1. I'm the oldest of 3 children.
2. I only like chocolate if it's frozen.
3. My favorite colour is red.
4. I love to read novels for Young Adults.
5. My first job was delivering newspapers.
6. I only swim in pools.
7. I have one tattoo.
8. I've never lived alone.
9. I want to be psychic.
10. I am a mother of 2 girls.
11. I am always late.
12. I'm starting my second job tomorrow and I'm nervous.
13. I want to be a ghost hunter.
14. Scary movies are my favorite.
15. I've ran over a dead cow.
16. My nickname is Toni.
17. I can't style my own hair.
18. I haven't been in a relationship for 5 years.
19. I never make my bed.
20. I actually like watching the Family Channel.

Three Legitimate Fears & How They Came to Be

1. Birds. This one I learned from my dad and I can't remember ever not being afraid of them. 
2. Snakes. I remember being a child and playing with the snakes in my Grandparents yard. It wasn't until they fell out of a bunch of trees we were walking through that I became afraid.
3. Ant hills. I can't even explain this one. They just freak me out and make my skin crawl. 

Describe your relationship with your spouse

Non-existent. Thank God. I don't know where I'd be if I was still with my loser ex. Best thing I ever did was kick him to the curb!

Ten Things I would tell my 16-year-old self

1. Go to a defensive driving course. Or keep your eyes on the road. Three cars later and you'll know what I'm talking about.
2. Don't drink whiskey/vodka/rum straight from the bottle until it's empty. You'll end up being carried home/babysat by your little brother as you pass out/completely embarrassed many times over the next 3 or so years.
3.Brush your hair. Especially for school pictures.
4. Don't ever sign up for correspondence classes. You'll graduate half a semester late because of one.
5. Stop wearing t-shirts and shorts over your bathing suits while swimming. You'll wish you hadn't wasted your skinny years on that nonsense.
6. Quit driving around town every night. You can listen to music and gossip at home and save tons of money.
7. Save your money. Stop wasting it on gas and buying your friends McDonalds. You won't be able to save when your a 28 year old single mom and it'll make a difference.
8. Don't be yearbook editior. It's a waste.
9. Stay away from all the creepers.
10. Keep a journal. All your friends will remember things from the past and you'll barely remember your kids names. 

5 Things That Make Me the Most Happy 

1. It's a long weekend!
2. Spending the night cuddling with my girls.
3. Watching my kids play when they don't know I'm looking.
4. Tim Horton's Iced Capps.
5. Spending time with friends

And with that I'm off to cuddle my girls and spend time with some friends. Cheers to the weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I seriously think I AM psychic. no one believes me but im totally serious. Oh well I will just keep my gift to myself then!!!

    Thanks for linking up!!!
